The average house price on THE BROOKES is £717,691
The most expensive house in the street is 10 THE BROOKES with an estimated value of £936,752
The cheapest house in the street is 18 THE BROOKES with an estimated value of £480,601
The house which was most recently sold was 20 THE BROOKES, this sold on 8 Mar 2019 for £525,000
The postcode for THE BROOKES is TS15 9XP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
10 THE BROOKES Detached £936,752 £233,500 6 Jan 2000
14 THE BROOKES Detached £800,033 £225,000 21 Feb 2001
18 THE BROOKES Detached £480,601 £295,000 5 Jun 2008
20 THE BROOKES Detached , 212 m2 £653,380 £525,000 8 Mar 2019